Travel directions

From the Netherlands, Mechelen or Antwerp
  • E19 from Antwerp direction Brussels
  • R0 direction Charleroi
  • Exit Watermael-Bosvoorde – keep 2nd right direction Sint Genesius Rode
  • Follow the Duboislaan - direction Sint Genesius Rode
  • Once through the forest follow the direction of Waterloo - Waterloosesteenweg
  • At the intersection with the Zoniënwoudlaan, follow the direction of Sint Genesius Rode
  • You can find us on the Zoniënwoudlaan, number 155
From East and West Flanders
  • E40 direction Brussels
  • R0 direction Charleroi
  • Exit Alsemberg – Huizingen left direction Sint Genesius Rode
  • Follow the Alsembergsesteenweg in the direction to Sint Genesius Rode
  • Once that the Alsembergsesteenweg turns into Zoniënwoudlaan, after 1 km you will find us at number 155
From the Netherlands – Limburg – Leuven
  • E40 or E314 directions Brussel
  • R0 directions Charleroi
  • Follow the Duboislaan - direction Sint Genesius Rode
  • Once through the forest follow the direction of Waterloo - Waterloosesteenweg
  • At the intersection with the Zoniënwoudlaan, follow the direction of Sint Genesius Rode
  • You can find us on the Zoniënwoudlaan, number 155
From France
  • E19 Doornik-Bergen direction Brussels
  • Exit Alsemberg – Huizingen right direction Sint Genesius Rode
  • Follow the Alsembergsesteenweg in the direction to Sint Genesius Rode
  • Once that the Alsembergsesteenweg turns into Zoniënwoudlaan, after 1 km you will find us at number 155
By train
  • IC, IR and Thalys trains Railway station Brussels South
  • Railway station Sint Genesius Rode for local trains
  • From the station, walk 950m along the Zoniënwoudlaan to number 155
  • You can calculate your on the MIVB website


Classic & Sportscars BV

Offices & Showroom

Zoniënwoudlaan 155

1640 Sint Genesius Rode


Open from monday to friday

9h00 to 18h00

Saturday: 10h00 à 13h00

Tel: +32 2 (0)374.50.15

Fax: +32 2 (0) 374.18.81


Google maps

Sales & after-sales service

James-Oliver Moyses

Tel: +32 2 (0)374.50.15

Fax: +32 2 (0) 374.18.81

Buying service

Julian Zenner

Tel: +32 2 (0)374.50.15


Registered Office:

Classic and Sportscars SPRL

Rue de la longue haie 66

B-1000 Bruxelles (Belgique)

Bank details

  • Name bank: KBC S.A

    Address : Av du Port 2, 1080 Brussels (Belgium)

    Bank account N°: IBAN BE78 7310 0769 3586


  • Name bank: BNP Paribas Fortis

    Bank account N°: IBAN BE22 1431 0682 0747